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  • Writer's pictureAnanth Kothuri

A Long Break

Winter Break finally finished, and although I had a very relaxing time, I'm also excited to get back to work! During this time, I was able to go over my Original Work and even look for mentors for the future. I was able to reach out to numerous professionals who could possibly mentor me. These people were all people I had met up with before through research interviews, and they were all very intelligent and knowledgeable. However, out of the four people I have contacted, two of them have responded saying that they would be unable to mentor me because of time restraints. This is completely understandable, since both of them were college professors. The other two professionals still haven't responded, so I will wait on their response.

Additionally, I was able to get feedback for my Original Work. I was very happy with how this project turned out for me. My ISM teacher also reviewed it and seemed to be interested in it. There were a few citation errors in it, but I was able to correct them, and this helped me understand the proper way to format papers for the future.

For the upcoming week, I want to start thinking about Final Product ideas. Although much of this will be dependent on who my mentor is, I should still have a good idea of what I want to do. I will also reach out to professionals again and hope for responses this time.

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