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  • Writer's pictureAnanth Kothuri

Continuing to Brainstorm

This week in ISM, I continued to do research into white dwarf stars to further enhance my Final Product idea as well as determine what I want to finalize for my Final Product. Currently, I have an idea of an experiment that seems very intriguing, but the only problem with it is that it may be unreasonable, at least with my resources and abilities. As a result, I've been brainstorming and continuing to research to see what modifications or even new ideas I can come up with that would serve as a valuable Final Product.

Through my research, I was able to think of a few other ideas, such as scaling down my experiment from analyzing entire galaxies to analyzing only white dwarf stars and their characteristics. This is a large step forward, but I need to continue to break down my ideas and find specifics about what I want to do. Because of this, next week in ISM I want to solely focus on the specifics on what my Final Product will be and hopefully finalizing on what it is going to consist of. Additionally, I want to do my best to meet up with my mentor and discuss the prospects of these ideas and experiments.

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