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  • Writer's pictureAnanth Kothuri

It's All, or Nothing, or Something Else

I had a very eventful week in ISM, and through it, I was able to advance both my research and my soft skills. On Friday, I had to create a Research Speech presentation where I would describe the research I had done so far and use visuals to complement it. Although we had the ability to pre-record the speech, I still found it very valuable as it made me look back on what I had accomplished so far and what I have to pursue in the coming months. Additionally, just the act of creating a professional speech and PowerPoint was good experience for me. I also a research assessment due, but rather than making it very easy and reading a simple article, I chose to increase the scope of my research by finally examining professional experiments and scientific papers. This article talked about two theories for matter, and how they either directly made up all of this substance, weren't part of it at all, or were supported by a different dark matter candidate. This was a big change, especially because much of the terminology and mathematics detailed in this paper were simply beyond my understanding. However, I understood the main ideas, since it was comparing primordial black holes and WIMPs which I had preliminary knowledge on, and so I was able to get tangible research that will apply directly to my Original Work. For the next week, I want to repeat this process and find more articles that talk about other dark matter candidates.

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